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Cha's POV: Yes, healing in isolation is never easy. I've isolated myself for years now to really work on myself and many don't understand it, but when you are fighting for your life and trying to be a better version of self, you have to drown out the opinions or judgement of what others may say or think about you. I put it like this, I rather see someone working on their healing no matter how it's perceived, than to see them dead. 🫶🏾 Also, when you are trying to heal any childhood trauma, generational trauma aka in the blood/dna, womb trauma, medical trauma, work trauma and the list may go on,  that internal work, isn't an overnight thing, it's continuous and because everyone's journey doesn't look the same and isn't the same, it may take some longer than others. Take your time, because when you really start to think about it, you can't rush healing, but you can definitely  do what's needed to work towards that path.❤️‍🩹 "Healing is n...


Last Saturday in my GRANDmother’s birth month,  where special things seem to always happen. I had a full circle, alignment day, and aha moment.  Visiting a farm tasked with Orchard maintenance for peach trees, which I had no clue about, until I asked what type of trees we were going to be working on.  I ended my fulfilling day driving down a road called Coloma in Sacramento County.  I obviously didn’t see and wasn’t paying any attention to the name of the road,  until I was leaving.  Then it all just started to hit.  Yes, I’m right where I am supposed to be. Some things are just meant.  I mean hey 24 is my day/birth-date.  My family farmed, packed, and delivered fruit.  From Coloma, CA to Placerville including other surrounding areas. With a host of other meaningful responsibilities  and  jobs. Proud would be an understatement!  

Coffee run


Dr. Tonia Burgess Has Spoken




Wine down


Fall time


Photo dump




Airport run


The love


A word

It’s been brought to my attention and something that needs to be addressed.  I’ve come to this great conclusion that some folks may need to be worried about the folks that post all the time, rather than the folks that don’t post much or at all.  Please realize the ones that don’t take breaks or ever stop to reset, are most likely the individuals at their lowest or suffering to some degree. Yes, this could be vice versa, however things aren’t always what they seem.  I’m just the messenger! 💫 Check on those that are always on social media and don’t know how to log off.   — Cha





High 5


Eye see






Golden hour


Dr. Burgess

When we separate from ego, we are not offended.  When you are FREE, you can't be bound by things in your past.  — Tonia Burgess 

The Season




The cob


Bee happy


The patch


Wood - Land


On The Road Again


Boats Boats Boats


The Tower Theatre




P for perfecto


Morning rides




Roofin - it


In passing


Garden thyself



Created By: Vanessa Luis

Water bomb


Shoreline Village


Vaillancourt Fountain


Heart it out


Transamerica Pyramid


Break of day


The Palace Of Fine Arts


Yellow rocket