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Cha's POV:

Yes, healing in isolation is never easy.

I've isolated myself for years now to really work on myself and many don't understand it, but when you are fighting for your life and trying to be a better version of self, you have to drown out the opinions or judgement of what others may say or think about you. I put it like this, I rather see someone working on their healing no matter how it's perceived, than to see them dead. 🫶🏾

Also, when you are trying to heal any childhood trauma, generational trauma aka in the blood/dna, womb trauma, medical trauma, work trauma and the list may go on, that internal work, isn't an overnight thing, it's continuous and because everyone's journey doesn't look the same and isn't the same, it may take some longer than others. Take your time, because when you really start to think about it, you can't rush healing, but you can definitely do what's needed to work towards that path.❤️‍🩹

"Healing is not a linear process; it is ongoing and may occur through-out the entirety of a lifetime." 🔁

Just sharing some thoughts and lived experiences 

that came up after watching Alex Elle’s Reel via IG: