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Issa vibe

I’m at such a pivotal point in my life right now. I could say it’s hard to express this thing, but you know what I’m going to explain this vibration that I’m on, the best way I know how. I see things so differently, like as if I finally woke up from a deep comatose sleep. I am more aware of myself than ever. It’s crazy how much time you waste on the wrong things, but if it wasn’t for those wrong doings and missteps. I wouldn’t be in this, very same place that I am in today. I wake up differently and have been for awhile now. Not to say that everything is perfect, because when life just keeps happening, sometimes it is not always going to be or go in our favor. 

Once you start appreciating the tiniest/simplest things, you really start to reflect and look at things from a different view. Your stresses, worries, and complaints will start to lessen. You will be able to peel back those layers within and breakdown piece by piece and the floodgates of clarification will come flowing in. Damaged things can be repaired, or even replaced and when God is in the midst of your refining stages, anything is possible. He guides you into the direction you need to be in, for your healing and even if you take another path. Guess what? He will be right there waiting on you to come back. We have to get out of our own way and get out of our head and let God do what he does. He really does hold the keys to the doors we are even able to walk through, but do you trust him? Believe that you are at the very place God wants you to be. Soak up every bit, and every ounce of it, no matter what is going on or is happening. Good, bad, or indifferent, hold the gratitude of aliveness, you are ALIVE!